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Indy Campus


Current Series


We'll be looking at Solomon's words of wisdom from the Proverbs throughout this series.

Advent in Narnia

This week we begin our advent series, "Advent In Narnia". We will be exploring C.S. Lewis's book, "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe" as we dive deeper into the significance of the story in relation to scripture.

Nuclear Family

In this series we take a look at some important truths from scripture that help us better navigate family and parenting.


In this series we take a look at the most important foundations of our faith.

Encounters with Jesus

In this series we look at a few key encounters Jesus had in the Bible and their significance that can be applied to our lives today.

My Church

In this series we will look at the importance of spiritual family, the church.

The Art of Neighboring

The key focus of this series is on loving our neighbors. Who are our neighbors? What does it look like to truly love our neighbors? What gets in the way? We explore these questions and more in this series.

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