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Sermons by: Elisha

Feb 09, 2014

Elisha [Week 6]

Tony explores a cautionary tale about how the enemy attacks Christians...

Feb 02, 2014

Elisha [Week 5]

In this week, of the study of Elisha, we look at what it takes to have...

Jan 26, 2014

Elisha [Week 4]

Get ready to get your spiritual edge back and experience God's...

Jan 19, 2014

Elisha [Week 3]

Are you in a really difficult place right now? Overwhelmed? Burnt out?...

Jan 12, 2014

Elisha [Week 2]

Do you have ridiculous faith that God will fill your ditches? Join us...

Jan 05, 2014

Elisha [Week 1]

In the first week, In the study of Elisha, we begin revealing his tale...