Quick Info

On this page, you'll find a list of ways to give, along with the current areas that we are raising money for at Vineyard Life Church and more details of each area. Click on the specific area below you'd like to give to. We are switching over to a new giving platform called, tithe.ly. Please note that if you have given in the past, we are moving away from SecureGive as our primary giving platform.
Vineyard Life Church
612 N. High School Rd.
Indianapolis, IN 46214
Tithe.ly Mobile App
Tithes/Offerings | Your regular support goes on to support the ministries of Vineyard Life Church.
Missions | Vineyard Life Church passionately fulfills the command of Jesus to, “Go into all the world…”. We currently support missionaries in Romania and Costa Rica. Visit our Missions page for more detailed info.
Food Pantry | Our Food Pantry is held once a month. Donations are used to purchase food and hygiene products for those in need. We have seen many lives encouraged through this ministry
Technology Enhancements | Technology is always updating and changing. As a result, we are always trying to keep thing updated on our end as well. Donations to this giving area allow us to make enhancements to our internet connectivity, as well as purchase new computer hardware that will allow us to maintain a consistent and efficient presence on Sunday mornings and throughout the week.
Building Fund | Building maintenance and upkeep is always ongoing, no matter the season. Donations to our building fund allow us to keep our building fresh and updated.