Quick Info

Kid City is a safe, fun, and interactive experience designed with your child in mind. We want kids to discover who Jesus is, learn to follow Him, and share His love with others. Our Kids classes are available during all of our adult service times, so while you’re attending worship in the auditorium, your kids will be learning about God on their level. You can feel good knowing your child is experiencing a high-energy, Christ-centered environment created just for them.
We take several precautions to ensure that we create an environment that is safe and secure for your children.
To register your child for Kid City, arrive at the Kid City registration booth 10-15 minutes before service starts. Fill out the registration card, then your child will receive a badge to wear to Kid City and you will receive a badge to keep with you. You will need your badge to pick up your child after the service.
Registration begins 15 minutes before every service. This gives you plenty of time to drop off your children, grab some snacks and make it to service in time. We encourage you to allow at least 10-15 minutes for registering your child and dropping them off the first time.
We have several opportunities for parents and non-parents to be involved in Kid City! To find out more information on becoming a part of our team, contact us.
Contact us and we'd be happy to help you out, answer any questions you have or provide resources for you and your family.