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Indy Campus


Current Series


We'll be looking at Solomon's words of wisdom from the Proverbs throughout this series.

The Songs of Christmas

We celebrate Advent this year focusing on the songs of worship by the witnesses of Jesus coming. Join with these men and women in joyful praise this Christmas season.


In this series we'll explore Paul's letter to the Romans. This book is the centerpiece of Christian living.

Level Up

Feel a little stuck in your spiritual life? Join us as together we discover ways to bring our spiritual journey up to the next level.

Dollars & Sense

Money matters to a lot of us, and it also matters to God. He has a lot to say in scripture about money and our motives related to it. In this series we look at how we can have financial freedom.


We take a look God's covenants and the importance they have in our lives.

Joy Fueled Marriage

This series is for everyone, even those who are single or divorced, there is critical truth to be heard. If you have been married for many years, you will benefit from a tune-up that can be transforming for your marriage.


The Bible gives us a very thorough picture of David's life. We not only see his experiences but also insights into his emotions. David is called a man after God's heart.

Dangerous Prayers

If you’re ready to see God work in your life, praying safe won’t cut it. It’s time to pray boldly. To pray daringly.

Be Transformed
This series examines what it takes to really be transformed and live an abundant life. We look at the reasons why we stop maturing, why we cannot break habits, and what it takes to find real freedom. 

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