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Indy Campus


Current Series


We'll be looking at Solomon's words of wisdom from the Proverbs throughout this series.

What Is?

In this series we look at how God defines man, woman, and marriage. 

Mixed Emotions

We cannot be spiritually healthy and mature if we are not emotionally mature. In this series, we'll take a look inside and discover how God frees us from the negative emotions of our past and gives us new life.

Our Vineyard Vision

In this series we lay out the foundational values that help cast our vision as a Vineyard church for 2023 and beyond.

A Weary World Rejoices

The holiday season can bring us lots of great feelings, however, it can also be a time of loneliness and isolation. In this Advent series we focus on 4 main areas that Jesus wants to bring light into our lives during this season.


What if becoming the person you want to be starts before you make a decision? Before you click "buy," or before you take one more bite. Can the decisions you make today help you live the life you want tomorrow?

What Would Jesus Undo?

In this series, we’ll go beyond the simple slogans of what it means to follow Christ, and open ourselves up to discover the knots in our lives that Jesus wants to undo, so that we can live an authentic faith.

future NOW

Are we in the last days? How did Jesus explain the last era of man on the earth? Check out this series as we explore Mark's Gospel for answers.

As a Man Thinks

All of our thoughts and the way we view the world is shaped by our experiences, the culture in which we are raised, and popular opinion. How is a changing society affecting the views found in the Bible? How does Biblical morality hold up in today's culture?

Pause: Moving from Rush to Rest

Life is chaotic. With so many things going on these last few years, we can all agree life is busy. We have very little time to give to anyone, including God. What if we took a deep inventory and examined our lives from the modern world's perspective versus Jesus' model?

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